Alumni Directory
Starting in May 2019, we have setup an archive of our graduating seniors with information of their post-college plans
Class of 2024

Class of 2023
Class of 2022

Joined Pan-Asian in: Fall 2018

PADT Class: Asian Star Squad
School: College of arts and science
Major: Logic, information, and computation
Plans After College: Job hunting in NY
Senior Message: Pan-Asian truly shaped my life at Penn. It is a family that I can share the moments of love, hate, and frustration with. I can't wait to come back next year seating at the front row and see what troupe has become.

PADT Class: Asian Star Squad
School: School of engineering
Major: Bioengineering
Plans after college: PhD at Duke
Senior Message: I am so incredibly and continually grateful for the opportunities, memories, experiences, I've had and the family I've gained through Pan-Asian. I love you all to the moon and back. so haPpy to hAve Danced Together. PA4L.

PADT class: Sauces
School: Business
Major: Finance
Plans After College: Job hunting
Senior Message: Auditioning for Pan-Asian was the best decision I've ever made :). This group of people really has become my family away from home and I can't wait to come back and see what troupe does in the future.

PADT class: Asian Star Squad
School: Wharton
Major: Business analytics & finance
Plans After College: consulting at EY-Parthenon
Senior Message: It feels so surreal that this chapter of my life is ending soon but when I look back on my time at Penn, I know I lived it to the fullest because my heart is filled to the brim with so many lovely faces and memories from PADT. Love you all lots and can't wait to see all the amazing things everyone will do in the future!

PADT class: Sauces
School: College of arts & sciences
Major: Cognitive science
Plans After College: Dance/gap-year
Senior message: Words cannot describe how much I appreciate being in PADT. Thank you for making my college memory one of a kind and I will miss everyone so much especially all my now seniors of the sauce class <3) cannot wait to come back and see you guys shine on stage!!!

PADT class: Asian Star Squad
School: Engineering and applied sciences
Major: PhD in bioengineering

PADT class: Asian Star Squad
School: School of engineering
Major: computer science
Plans After College: Software engineer at META
Senior Message: Dear Pan-Asian, thanks so much for being my home these past 4 years and for all the memories that I’ll cherish for the years to come: the excitement of welcoming each incoming newbie class into our fam after auditions, dance practice shenanigans filled with roll-on-the-floor kind of laughter, pouring all the energy we have into performing at show, iconic social traditions and game nights, singing our hearts out at Ken’s and countless more. From the IGT stage to this new stage of life, #PA4L so stay in touch <3

PADT class: Asian Star Squad
School: Wharton
Major: Finance & statistics
Plans after college: Investment management in Singapore
Senior message: Auditioning for PADT was the best decision I made in college. I'm so grateful for 4 years of memories with this incredible group of people :)

Class of 2021

Joined Pan-Asian in: Fall 2017

PADT class: Feels
School: School of Engineering and Applied Sciences
Major: Digital Media Design
Plans after college: Software Engineer at Facebook
Senior message: I can't imagine what college would've been like without Pan Asian or dance. I will always be grateful for the amazing people, learning experiences, and the space to express myself creatively. PA4L! :)

PADT Class: Feels
School: School of Engineering and Applied Sciences
Major: Computer Science
Minor: Math
Plans after college: Software Engineer at Amazon
Senior message: I'm beyond grateful to have been part of Pan-Asian here at Penn. This family has been my backbone and pushed me to become a better leader and friend. Thank you for the memories :)

PADT Class: Feels
School: Wharton
Major: Finance & Business Analytics
Plans after college: Investment banking in NYC
Senior message: I know it's generic to say, but college has truly flown by. I remember being a senior in high school and being unable to comprehend how I'd last four years so far away from home. Little did I know I'd end up joining a dance group that would become my family on campus. I can't express in words how grateful I am for this wonderful group of people!

PADT Class: Feels
School: SEAS
Major: Systems Engineering
Minors: CIS and DATS
Plans after college: Software Development Engineer at Amazon
Senior message: Coming here, never did I expect my best friends and times to be from a dance troupe. The growth as a person and dancer I've been able to live and see on Pan-Asian will be something I cherish forever. Love you all and I can't wait to see you down the road.

PADT Class: Feels
Schools: Wharton, Nursing
Majors: Nursing, Healthcare Management, Marketing
Plans after college: Corporate Banking & Wholesale Payments Analyst at JP Morgan
Senior message: I wasn't looking for a family when I first joined Pan-Asian, but I did. Pan-Asian will always have a special place in my heart.

PADT Class: Feels
School: SEAS
Major: Computer Science
Minor: Economics
Plans after college: Software Engineer at Amazon in Seattle
Senior message: Looking back, Pan-Asian has defined my whole college experience. I met so many incredible people on this troupe and experienced many memories with them that I will truly cherish. I hope that Pan-Asian continues to be a warm family that fosters creativity, growth, and friendship.

PADT Class: Feels
College: College of Arts and Sciences
Major: Biochemistry
Minor: Mathematics
Plans after college: PhD at NYU
Senior message: I never imagined I could find such a family in College and I am really grateful for these past four years of fun and love Pan-Asian has given me. This is an unusual year, but no matter how big the storm is, I hope everyone in Pan-Asian can remember to keep smiling and dancing in the rain.

Class of 2020

Joined Pan-Asian in: Fall 2016

PADT class: Fruits
School: College of Arts and Sciences
Major: Economics
Minor: Consumer Psychology
Plans after college: Category Manager at Amazon
Senior Message: Pan Asian has given me some of my best memories and best friends in college. It really is a second family and I am grateful to have shared so many great moments with them.

PADT class: Fruit cult!!!
School: Nursing
Major: Nutrition and Nursing
Minor: English
Plans after college: Receive my licensure to work in an intensive care unit or surgical adult cardiac floor in California, and pursue a nurse practitioner degree in a few years!
Senior Message: After years of blood, sweat, snacks, choreography, and tears, I’ve learned that the first friend will matter more than the last dance on the stage. Remember the family that Pan Asian will be for you, in life and love. Always love.

PADT class: Fruits!
School: Wharton
Major: Statistics & Operations
Plans after college: Consulting at Bain SF
Senior Message: Thank you to my PADT family for giving me a home at Penn, and teaching me so much about life, dance, and myself. Looking forward to when we can be together again!

PADT class: Fruits
School: School of Engineering, Wharton
Major: Computer Science/Business Analytics
Minor: Data Science
Plans after college: SWE at Bloomberg
Senior Message: Pan-Asian has given me a home away from home, my closest friends in college, and lifelong memories :) I hope that we all keep in touch for years to come, excited to see what Pan-Asian can accomplish!

PADT class: Fruits
School: Wharton
Major: Finance, Statistics
Minor: Political Science
Plans after college: Investment Banking analyst at J.P. Morgan
Senior Message: I will be forever grateful for everything PADT Family has given to me over the past four years. Having witnessed the growth of the troupe, I am confident that the future is brighter!

PADT class: Fruits
School: Wharton
Major: Finance and Business Analytics
Minor: Computer Science
Plans after college: M&A Analyst at Credit Suisse
Senior Message: Pan-Asian has always been magical to me. I'm so lucky to have joined this amazing family and to have met my best friends.

PADT class: Fruit Cult!!!
School: School of Engineering, Wharton
Major: Finance, Marketing, Computer Science
Minor: Fine Arts
Plans after college: Investment Banking - Bank of America
Senior Message: I feel so lucky to have found Pan-Asian and can't imagine my Penn experience without it! Thank you for all the crazy adventures, the most stunning shows, and the best family I could have asked for

PADT class: Feels
School: College
Major: Comp. Bio.
Minor: C.S. and D.S.
Plans after college: Job hunting in the Bay Area
Senior Message: "Thank you to the troupe for all the memories :') I wouldn't be where I am now without everything that we've been through together, and I hope everyone can continue to experience all the love and excitement that this troupe fosters. I can't wait to see what the Feels will bring next year 😂😅😘😆😬😋🤓❤️

PADT class: Fruits!
School: Wharton
Major: Finance & Marketing
Minor: Political Science
Plans after college: Investment Banking at J.P. Morgan
Senior Message: Thinking back on my Penn experience, I feel so lucky to have had my Pan-Asian family from day one. I’d never been part of such a dedicated and caring group of people before, and I’m so grateful to all of the amazing friends and mentors I’ve met along the way. Love you all <3

PADT class: Fruits
School: College of Arts and Sciences, Wharton
Major: Computational Biology; Concentration in Statistics
Plans after college: Management Consulting at BCG into Medical School
Senior Message: Pan-Asian is example of how the most meaningful relationships spring from serendipity. In the words of Shakespeare, "All the world's a stage," I'm grateful to have shared both the stage of IGT and of my college experience with such a set of passionate dancers, students, and friends.

Class of 2019

$$$squad (Money squad)
Joined Pan Asian in: Fall 2015
Best known for: Taking selfies with the audience during show bows

School @ UPenn: SEAS (School of Engineering and Applied Science)
Major: SSE/Data Science
Minor: CIS
Plans after college: Tech analyst at Goldman Sachs
Senior Message: "When I think back on college, I will always think of Pan-Asian and the lifelong friendships I have made here. I am deeply grateful for how this troupe has helped me grow as a dancer, a leader, and a friend."

School @ UPenn: SEAS (School of Engineering and Applied Sciences)
Major: EE/ROBO
Minor: CIS
Plans after college: Fixed Income Research at J. P. Morgan
Senior Message: "I can't even imagine what my four years of college would be like without Pan-Asian. I've been gifted with this giant, loving, talented, weird, and amazing family and I hope this family remains this close-knit for all the years to come :') Never forget about us oldies and come visit!!"

School @ UPenn: Wharton
Major: Marketing & Operations Management
Minor: CIS
Plans after college: Associate Product Manager at Visa
Senior Message: "Over the past four years, Pan-Asian has been a speical experience for me. The members of this team have taught me a lot inside and outside of rehearsals, and have helped me grow as a dancer and as an individual. I have met great mentors and life-long friends on this Troupe, and cherish the fact that Pan-Asian will be always be a home away from home."

School @ UPenn: CAS (College of Arts and Sciences)
Major: Philosophy and Computer Science
Plans after college: Software Engineer at Bright Machines in SF
Senior Message: "Pan Asian was my rock at Penn, and I'm grateful to be a part of this supportive community and meeting some of my closest friends here. The quality of our show grows every time, and our dancers continue to impress the alumni every year. I can't wait to see what the troupe creates in the next coming years as an alum. :)"

School @ UPenn: CAS (College of Arts and Sciences)
Major: Mathematical Economics
Plans after college: Sales & Trading Analyst at J.P. Morgan in NY
Senior Message: "PanAsian has influenced every aspect of my college life, my friends groups, other orgs I joined, classes I took, beautiful memories I made... College life would have been completely different without PanAsian and I am grateful for my decision freshman year. Thanks to the troupe and the life-long friends who made me a better me."

School @ UPenn: CAS (College of Arts and Sciences)
Major: Astrophysics
Minor: CIS, Math
Plans after college: Hunting/auditioning for record labels while looking for a job in finance
Senior Message: "Love harder because your time here is ephemeral"